critical care icon
Get peace of mind with flexible

Critical Illness coverage

In the event of a heart attack, stroke, cancer or other critical illness, Combined Insurance offers an easier way to get the help you deserve.

2 in 5

2 in 5 Canadians are expected to be with cancer in their lifetime


Canadians experience 170,000+ heart attacks each year


Canadians experience 180,000+ strokes each yea

Your future. Your way.
Critical Illness coverage to protect your family, finances and future


Use the financial benefits for anything you wish, including:

Deductibles and

Out-of-pocket expenses
for out-of-network care

Living expenses
while you recover

Not sure what coverage you need?
Agents are available to help answer your questions and walk 
you through your Critical Illness Insurance options so you’re 
making the most informed choice.

Here’s how Marie used Critical Illness insurance

from Combined Insurance to worry less and pay for more


Marie always prided herself on leading a healthy lifestyle but that did not stop her from suffering a heart attack at age 45 that caused her to undergo emergency cardiac catheterization and stent placement. Despite Canada's universal healthcare coverage, Marie faced out-of-pocket expenses including rehabilitation, costly prescriptions and transportation to and from doctor's appointments. Thanks to her Critical Illness policy from Combined Canada, Marie was able to focus on her recovery and being with her family rather than the financial impact of her medical care or the stress of being out of work

When it comes to critical illness, you have options

Ensure you're protected when critical illness strikes. With Critical Illness coverage from Combined Canada, we offer you coverage options that unlock doors to the care you deserve and financial benefits paid directly to you for associated out-of-pocket expenses.

Choose to include coverage for your spouse and/or children
Up to 26 standard covered conditions, and many partial covered conditions
Protection ranging from $10-$100K
Different premium payment periods for different options
Four benefit plan types and four coverage term options
A ‘Return 
of Premium' option if you’re in good health

Your future. Your Way.

Making early coverage choices leads to the best outcome

Contact an agent to begin discussing your coverage options today and open doors to choosing the care that's right for you, no matter the cost.

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