Spring Cleaning for Insurance: What Policies Do You Have and What Policies Do You Need?

Spring is the season to organize prepare for the warmer months ahead. While it’s important to have a cleaned-out garage and fresh kitchen, it’s also important to review your insurance policies and take stock of what you have and what you may need.

Taking the time to complete a thorough review of your insurance policies is an important yearly practice. Knowing what policies you have in place will ensure that you and your loved ones are protected for the future. This simple practice can keep financial worries at bay and may provide some much-needed peace of mind.

Review your policies

A lot of people set and forget their insurance policies. Once they are purchased, it is often, out of sight, out of mind. This works for most of the year, but it is important to periodically take stock of what has changed and how that might affect you and your family’s needs.

Auto Insurance: If you have a new car, new state of residence, or new drivers, all these things can affect your insurance. Take a look at your policy to make sure no changes are needed.

Home Insurance: In 2021, a lot of people spent a lot of times inside their homes. One of the side effects was a boom in home improvements. If you made any upgrades to your home – such as an addition, a remodel, or a new roof, make sure you have enough coverage for the home you have now, not the home you initially insured.

Life Insurance: Reviewing your life insurance policy once a year to confirm beneficiary, benefit amount, term, loans, and cash value is an important exercise. Have you had any additional children that would cause you to up the benefit amount? Are you closer to retirement age with a decent savings account and could you consider lowering your benefit? These are all questions worth reviewing on a yearly basis.

Learn more in Life Insurance is it For You?

Health Insurance: Whether you get your health insurance through your employer or on your own, understanding what your deductible is, what is covered, and where you may have financial gaps can help protect you in the future. Knowing you have enough coverage should you become injured or ill leads to great peace of mind.

Determine what policies you need to prepare for the unexpected

Once you know what policies you have and what coverage they offer, it’s time to decide whether you need something else to help you feel confident that you are prepared for the future. Supplemental insurance can help with that!

Combined Insurance offers several types of supplemental insurance

Supplemental Health can help fill financial gaps that may exist in insurance plans. Some of our most popular products include:

-          Cancer Protector

o   You can receive a lump sum cash benefit paid directly to you so you can spend it as needed if you’re diagnosed or treated for cancer.

-          Critical Care Protector

o   You can receive benefits if you have a heart attack, stroke, or if you’re diagnosed with cancer or another covered critical illness.

Disability Insurance pays benefits directly to you if you are disabled and can’t work. When regular income is disrupted, it can lead to financial hardship for you and your family. Income Protector can cover you if you’re totally disabled and can’t work due to accident or sickness, and you can use the cash benefits in any way you like.

Accident Insurance pays cash benefits if you are injured and require medical care. If you or a family member is injured in an accident, Accident Protector provides cash benefits directly to you that you can use to help cover medical and non-medical expenses that arise. 

Life Insurance provides financial benefits when your family needs it most. Family Life Protector is a whole life insurance that provides benefits to help your loved ones continue without you, depending on the plan you select. You can also receive benefits in the event of an accidental death if you choose the optional Accident Death Benefit.

At Combined Insurance, we are ready to work for you. The best way to ensure you have the right supplemental insurance policies for your needs is to get a quote from a Combined Insurance agent. Once you’ve completed your insurance spring cleaning, talk to one of our agents to determine what, if anything, you need to update.

The information provided by this blog is only a brief description. See the actual policies for complete details of the policy plans, features, benefits, options, rates, definitions, limitations, and exclusions. Products vary by state and are subject to availability and qualifications.

These products are issued by Combined Insurance Company of America in all states, except New York. In New York, these products are issued by Combined Life Insurance Company of New York (Latham, NY). Combined Insurance Company of America is not licensed and does not solicit business in New York.

NOTE: Covered conditions may vary by state.