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Combined Insurance Named a Top Veteran-Friendly Company

Honored for Hiring Military Service Members and Veterans
CHICAGO — Sept. 1, 2022 —Combined Insurance Company of America has been named a “Best of the Best” Top Veteran-Friendly Company by U.S. Veterans Magazine. The publication honors Fortune 100 companies that create employment, business and supplier opportunities for U.S. military service members, spouses, and veterans.
Combined also was cited for having a Top Supplier Diversity Program. The magazine’s annual list evaluates employers toward the goals of providing a resource for job-seekers and for veteran-owned businesses, and to encourage military- and veteran-friendly policies among employer organizations.
“We at Combined consider it a privilege to have so many team members who have served in our armed forces,” said Combined Insurance President Rich Williams. “Creating opportunity for military veterans not only is the right thing to do, it gives Combined a competitive advantage. These individuals bring a unique perspective and sharply-honed skills to our workforce. This honor is meaningful to the organization because it aligns with our deep commitment to the military community.”
Combined Insurance launched its veteran recruiting program in 2010, hiring more than 5,500 veterans, military spouses, and their family members since then. Combined also is a strong supporter of military and veteran-focused nonprofit organizations, including the Fisher House Foundation, Luke’s Wings, and USO Illinois,
U.S. Veterans Magazinecompiles its annual “Best of the Best” lists via research, diversity conference participation and survey responses completed this year by more than 375 companies and institutions. In addition to being featured online, the award winners also will be included in the fall print issue of the publication.
About Combined Insurance
Combined Insurance Company of America is a Chubb company and a leading provider of supplemental accident, health, disability, and life insurance products in the U.S.* and Canada. Headquartered in Chicago with a tradition of 100 years of success, we are committed to making the world of supplemental insurance easy to understand. The company has an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau and an A + (Superior) financial strength rating by A.M. Best. We are ranked by VIQTORY as the number one Military Friendly® Employer in 2022 (over $1 billion revenue category), marking Combined’s eleventh consecutive year on the Top 10 list. For more information, please visit www.combinedinsurance.com.
* In New York, products are underwritten by Combined Life Insurance Company of New York (Latham, NY).